Calculating derived parametersUpdated 4 months ago

Matthieu Bruneaux

Rendered from tutorial-110-derived-parameters.Rmd in isotracer 1.1.6.
Case study: Trinidadian streams (Collins et al. 2016)Updated 4 months ago

Matthieu Bruneaux

Rendered from case-study-collins-2016.Rmd in isotracer 1.1.6.
Defining pulse or drip eventsUpdated 4 months ago

Matthieu Bruneaux

Rendered from tutorial-040-pulse-drip-events.Rmd in isotracer 1.1.6.
Handling replicationUpdated 4 months ago

Matthieu Bruneaux

Rendered from tutorial-020-replication.Rmd in isotracer 1.1.6.
How to simulate experimentsUpdated 4 months ago

Matthieu Bruneaux

Rendered from tutorial-120-howto-simulations.Rmd in isotracer 1.1.6.
Including fixed effects of covariatesUpdated 4 months ago

Matthieu Bruneaux

Rendered from tutorial-050-fixed-effects.Rmd in isotracer 1.1.6.
MCMC output formatUpdated 4 months ago

Matthieu Bruneaux

Rendered from tutorial-080-mcmc-output-format.Rmd in isotracer 1.1.6.
Post-run diagnostics and analysesUpdated 4 months ago

Matthieu Bruneaux

Rendered from tutorial-090-post-run-analyses.Rmd in isotracer 1.1.6.
Posterior predictive checksUpdated 4 months ago

Matthieu Bruneaux

Rendered from tutorial-100-posterior-predictive-checks.Rmd in isotracer 1.1.6.
Prior predictive checksUpdated 4 months ago

Matthieu Bruneaux

Rendered from tutorial-070-prior-predictive-checks.Rmd in isotracer 1.1.6.
Quick startUpdated 4 months ago

Matthieu Bruneaux

Rendered from tutorial-010-quick-start.Rmd in isotracer 1.1.6.
Setting steady-state compartmentsUpdated 4 months ago

Matthieu Bruneaux

Rendered from tutorial-030-steady-state-comps.Rmd in isotracer 1.1.6.
Testing parameter identifiabilityUpdated 4 months ago

Matthieu Bruneaux

Rendered from tutorial-130-parameter-identifiability.Rmd in isotracer 1.1.6.
Units and priorsUpdated 4 months ago

Matthieu Bruneaux

Rendered from tutorial-060-units-priors.Rmd in isotracer 1.1.6.